Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Daytime TV

Due to a series of unfortunate events, mostly related to my incorrect hypothesis that flu shots are a marketing scam, and the graciousness of my roommate and coworkers, I have fallen victim to the almighty influenza. Years ago, sitting on the couch at my parents' house, I would have cheered the thermometer on as it inched past 100 degrees, thus ensuring I would get to lounge around all day avoiding school work. These days, however, a fever, sore throat and cough mean that I am stuck watching daytime TV while my underexercised dog romps around the house and work emails pile up.

Here's an abbreviated daytime TV schedule, as I remember it, circa 1998:
10 AM: Price is Right
Noon: Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
1 PM: Full House
3 PM: Maury Povich

I wish I could say that the daytime TV schedule had changed in the last 11 years, but unfortunately, it hasn't. Staying home from work in 2009 is the same as staying home from school was in 1998: boring.

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